P. 54

54                     Mustafa Baltić, Neolitske figurine iz zbirke muzeja “Ras”...

               Mustafa Baltic
               “RAS” Museum
               Novi Pazar

                           “RAS” COLLECTION IN NOVI PAZAR

               Abstract: The topic of the paper is the three figurines of a sacrificial found during
               a gas pipe installation from Kopaonik towards Tutin, at the river mouth of the
               Tusimska River, at the atar of the village Pozezina, near Novi Pazar.
               The figurines belong to the earlier phase of the Vinca Culture, except of one,
               being younger one. All these items are found with the ceramic remains and glue,
               and it shows to be found inside of houses, being at the river terrace, and they were
               probably exposed to a fire, both when t he hoses they derive from. We assume the
               houses were a part of a larger settlement that could be connected to other Neo-
               lithic locations in Novi Pazar and broader, due to the nearby river watersheds.
               The figurines and the sacrificial both belong to the sphere of a spiritual life of the
               Neolithic people, and there are general meanings related to the Cult of Great Mot-
               her, or a symbolic of vitality and sustainability through a clearly defined femini-
               ne attributes and ram’s horns. The figurines removed into the museum context
               also gain their esthetic and ethical dimension, where new meanings depend of an
               observer, and they do not necessarily need to contain the elements the figurines
               had in the Neolithic community they were modeled to. For studying of the items’
               context, it is necessary to conduct the archaeological research of the locality.

               Key words: figurines, Neolith, Novi Pazar, museum, meanings
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