P. 114

114                           Muzafer Bibić, Vršnjačko nasilje – ima li rješenja?

               Muzafer Bibic
               Primary School “Rifat Burdzovic Trso”
               Karajukića Bunari, Sjenica

                       PEER VIOLENCE- IS THERE A SOLUTION?

               Abstract: Prompted by the current issue such as violent behavior towards pupils
               and employees at the institutions of upbringing and education- schools, we have
               done a “small” pedagogical research and studied the relevant literature treating
               this phenomenon. We are especially interested into the peer violence, but also
               violence in general, and thus, their influence onto the upbringing-educational out-
               comes. In the paper, there is a section of theoretical studies of this issue, and then,
               a methodologically based pedagogical research has been conducted, on clearly
               determined  topic,  aim,  assignments,  hypothesis,  methods  and  techniques,  and
               also the research instruments. The research has been done at school population in
               the municipality of Sjenica, and the same includes all schools that bear the cha-
               racteristics of a population, and thus, the gained research results can be applied
               onto the condition of violence at schools in the territory of Sjenica municipality.
               Our aim is initiating of a public discussion and a try for the issue to be placed into
               the focus of the pedagogical public, and also Pedagogy with its disciplines and all
               related sciences dealing with upbringing and education, especially Psychology,
               Sociology and Medical sciences, give their contribution for the issue to be reco-
               gnized, to remove the cause of the issue and to find mechanisms for a complete
               overcoming, for all children could live, grow up, develop and form into people of
               a free and happy environment.

               Key words: violence, abuse, terror, neglecting, humiliation, assaulting
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