Page 83 - Zbornik 40
P. 83


                     Dragica Premović - Aleksić

                             The History of Territory-Administrative Organisation
                                           of Raska Area / Sanjak

                     Abstract: The territory of Raska Area / Sanjak, i.e. the area between two
               rivers’ mouth Lim and Ibar, from prehistoric period until today, belonged to different
               tribal and state organisations. During prehistoric period, the south-eastern part of
               the stated territory belonged to Dardanians, and north-western part to Autariats
               (Illyrian tribe), and during Roman domination of the territory, it belonged to the
               provinces of Moesia Superior and Praevalitana. After collapse of the Roman Empire,
               the most part of the territory belonged to the Eastern Roman Empire, i.e. Byzantine.
               By Slovenians’ arrival, in this area they were Serbs, one of the largest Slovenian
               tribes, and they formed the state where it was mentioned in some sources under
               its name of Crossed Serbia, but also under the name of Raska. After the battle on
               Kosovo, the Ottoman Empire occupied a larger area of Novi Pazar, firstly provinces
               were formed, and later on, regions and municipalities, and by conquering Bosnia,
               administrative  regions  or  sanjaks.  The  largest  part  of  the  territory  between  the
               rivers Lim and Ibar, belonged to the Bosnian Sanjak, and later on, to its Pashalik.
               Through the entire Ottoman reign, very often in this area, administrative division
               was changed, and it is discussed more detailed within the paper. At the end of 18th
               century, after  1790, Sanjak of Novi Pazar was formed, and its kadiluks: Novi Pazar,
               Old Vlah, Mitrovica and Trgoviste, and in 1865, Bosnian province was restored and
               divided into 7 sanjaks: among them was Novi Pazar’s one, with its kazas in: Novi
               Pazar, Sjenica, Pljevlja, Nova Varos, Prijepolje, Bijelo Polje, Mitrovica, Berane,
               Kolasin  and  Trgoviste.  Already  in  1872,  from  the  Bosnian  Pashalik,  they  were
               separated the ones of Novi Pazar and Nis Sanjaks, and it was formed Novi Pazar
               province.  By the decisions of Berlin Congress in 1878, Bosnia and Herzegovina
               were subdued to its government to Austria-Hungary. In Sanjak of Novi Pazar that
               separated Serbia from Montenegro, the Turkish government still remained, but it
               was definitely separated from the Bosnian one and joined to Kosovo province.  Such
               an administrative-territory division remained until 1912, when the area was finally
               liberated from the Turks.

                     Key words: territory, Raska, Sanjak, region, municipality, province, kadiluk,
               Sanjak of Novi Pazar
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