P. 126

126                   Ahmed A. Bihorac, Kemal Džemić, Historijska uloga zara...

               Ahmed A. Bihorac
               International University of Novi Pazar
               Kemal Dzemic
               International University of Novi Pazar

                      THE LIFE OF MUSLIM WOMEN OF SANJAK

               Abstract:  In  the  paper,  we  shall  discuss  on  the  author’s  wish  to  present  the
               historical  clothing  of  Muslim  women,  from  the  first  recorded  contacts  with
               Islam in this area until present days, giving a perspective of the views of Muslim
               women who are, depending on the ruling political situation in the country, have
               led constant struggles for their free choice and keeping of tradition. How much
               the issue is acute even today and what type of hijab discrimination is present in
               our, but also in numerous parts of the world, even after seven decades, testify
               numerous unpleasant scenes, whose witnesses we are. The aim of our paper is
               presentation of a very significant monograph that shall enlighten this less known
               period in the history of the Muslim women in SFRY, and especially in Bosnia and
               Sanjak. The author has offered, in one place, unselfishly, planned, systematically
               and gradually, to the readership public numerous documents, precious data on
               wearing a niqab, hijab, burqa and veil, being placed at the archives wide across ex-
               Yugoslavia and the world, and also papers of numerous researchers dealing with
               this area, but also of the authenticity of texts and records on abolition of niqab
               and hijab. The value of this precious monograph is in a rich, neatly collected and
               masterfully processed historical material and it undoubtedly tells on the wish of
               a Professor Golos to scientifically enlighten this very interesting and significant
               period of our history. By overcoming historical stereotypes, the author has served
               the facts and original documents to, thanks to his professional, scientific and a
               research approach, present as much as he could a real condition and to set real
               bases for reconsidering of this issue, knowing the actors and witnesses of these
               events are no longer among the living ones.
               Key words: niqab, hijab, a Muslim woman, laws
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