Page 184 - Zbornik 40
P. 184

184                          Милан Попадић                       40/2017

                     Milan Popadic
                     University in Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy

                       The Introduction to Urban Heritage of Novi Pazar of the Socialistic

                     Summary:  Novi  Pazar  experienced  a  significant  urban  transformation  in
               the period of Yugoslav socialistic system (1945–1991). Thus, it shared the destiny
               of numerous cities within the socialistic Yugoslavia.  Connected with the future
               visions, being a subject of present and the experiences of the past, there was a special
               union of construction factors and we can name it the urban heritage of the socialistic
               period. Novi Pazar entered the socialistic period with a five century urban tradition.
               The transformation that happened for a little less than five centuries, changed a
               lot the heritage urban matrix, and also determined directions and limitations of the
               future town’s development. After the beginning assignments in “reconstruction and
               construction” of the town, urban planned arrangement of Novi Pazar started in 1954,
               by suggesting an idea solution of the General Urban Town’s Plan, whose author was
               an urban-engineer Josef Kortus. The General Urban Town’s Plan of Novi Pazar was
               adopted in 1956 and it would mark the first planned phase in modernisation of the
               urban structure of Novi Pazar. It is not only the matter of “socialistic ideology”,
               as a driving force of these changes. It is, before all, on global modernisation of
               cities after World War II, but the global modernistic trend in Yugoslavia, and thus
               in Novi Pazar, received a socialistic character.  The features of the character were
               very special, since besides Yugoslav self-government model, Novi Pazar brought
               local colours and inexhaustible vividness. Finally, the concrete structures, but urban
               visions that socialistic period left into the heritage, would be a visible layer for a
               long within the manuscript of Novi Pazar identity.

                     Key  words:  Novi  Pazar,  urbanism,  Architecture,  socialistic  heritage,
               modernity, 20th century
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