Page 115 - Zbornik 40
P. 115

40/2017                      SELO VRŠEVO                            115

                     Kočan Nadžib
                     Museum „Ras” Novi Pazar

                                             The Village Vrsevo
                                       -The Review of the Village Past -

                     Abstract:  The  village  Vrsevo  is  located  north-east  from  the  middle  age
               town of Bihor. Under the same name, together with the village Azane, it makes
               a local community and in its territory, it belongs to the municipality of Petnjica.
               The remains of the material culture speak the best in the field on the old time of
               the village. Besides them, significant data gives other written document either, and
               primarily, lists of the Turkish administration, performed for different purposes. The
               lists were made in the entire area of the Ottoman Empire, thus in the territory of
               Bihor, which its consistent part was, the present village of Vrsevo. Based on them,
               it can be seen for the village to be economically very strong and the basic activities
               of its population were agriculture and cattle breeding.  Emigrations and arrival from
               these areas made their own and they brought to the change in ethnic structure of
               its population, thus now, in the village the majority of its population is of Islamic
               religion. According to the list of population from 2011, Vrsevo had 65 households
               and 352 inhabitants.

                     Key words:  Vrsevo, village, Bihor, list, tax, household, population
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