P. 14
14 F. Baćićanin, Ponovo dilema: ostati ili otići
preparation of the research the St. Peter Chruch gate to be left for the spring
season of the following year. Protection of the archaeological research at the
Fortress-the north fortification of Novi Pazar Fortress marked the previous,
and this, 2020. The Culture Ministry supported the research financially, and
the Museum shall continue the research in other parts of Novi Pazar Fortress
if financial and other possibilities allow it. The exhibitions organisation
of significant academic painters, the exhibitions of rare and ancient book
manuscripts from our Museum fund, embroidery workshops and gatherings
of high school youth, round table discussions organisation and lectures are
all the Museum activities marking this year. The Museum, for the first time,
in 2020, did revision of the museum artefacts, and concluded with 31st
December, we shall know the exact condition of all Museum collections. By
having digitalised material and virtual Museum touring, Museum exhibits
and cultural-historic monuments of Novi Pazar, the Museum approaches
its work to the new audience, to generations who have a highly expressed
closeness with new technologies, and they shall understand the application
of information technology easier in preservation of the cultural heritage.
The Museum opens a new, more interesting, creative accessible space to
younger audience and increases their alertness in preservation of the cultural
heritage of Novi Pazar area.
The publishing activity of Novi Pazar Museum “Ras” has continued
its tradition. In this year, significant catalogues have been published and
monographs to be presented by the Museum to the broad scientific and
cultural, domestic and foreign public. Still, the most significant issue of the
Museum is the annual of Novi Pazar Collection Book. This issue contains
fifteen papers from the areas of Archaeology, Culture, but also Ethnology,
Demographics and Literature. After these papers, there are reviews, reports
on this year Museum projects, and in memoriam of two associates of Novi
Pazar Museum.
Issue after issue, Novi Pazar Collection Book collects new associates.
And in this one, there are the names of the authors who have not written
earlier for our Collection Book. The are the indicators for our annual,
although it mostly writes on historic topics, is still alive and dynamic, the
scientific and expert journal that shall continue its lifespan of a century.
Every of the papers is worth of attention and publishing. I have read and
followed all of them with great attention. One has left a special impression
on me, it has given the review and warned the community to a question
existing with Novi Pazar students: to stay or to leave.