Page 25 - Zbornik 27
P. 25

NZ27/2003        STAROST TERENA U NOVOM PAZARU...                    25

                         Vesko Pajkovi}

                                         THE OLDNESS OF THE TERRAIN
                                      OF NOVI PAZAR AND ENVIRONMENT

                               In the territory of the flow of the river Ra{ka (environment of Novi Pazar),
                         different magmas, sediment and metamorphic rocks are detected, created from the
                         earlier Paleozoic (the Ordovicijum and the Silurian period) until today in a span of
                         almost 500 millions years. In many localities they are the bearers of berth of differ-
                         ent mineral raw materials.
                               The earlier Paleozoic (the Carbon) was built by different metamorphic
                         rocks from argillaceous trough marble to gneiss and slate and other rocks.
                               The lower Triassic was made of sand stones, conglomerates, and clayish
                         and sandy lime stones. The middle Triassic was made of lime stones and dolomite,
                         as the upper too, up to 180 millions years before, when see and land were dried up
                         and that continued up to the upper Jurassic, when see with unstable bottom was
                         formed again, in which basic volcanism flooded, mixed with sediments by con-
                         stant tectonic movements, and created Dijabas Rozmac formation.
                               At the end of the Jurassic see pulled back up to the upper Cretaceous and in-
                         vaded again in to unstable, long and deep basins. One of them was Novi Pazar’s ba-
                         sin and in it at first were created conglomerates and pebbles, massive lime stones
                         and marls which when they were upper transited in to cyclic shifts of sediments.
                               At the end of the upper Cretaceous see pulled back, and in the Tertiary up to
                         30 millions years before started activities of magma witch was inland and so outer
                         volcanic force. Volcanic eruptions of Rogozna and Golija repeated in several mo-
                               During the Miocene and the Pleistocene, our territory had been griped by la-
                         ke basins Sjenica’s, Novi Pazar’s, a bit less Tutin’s and Ra{ka’s which existed until
                         3 millions years.
                               The Quaternary, the youngest geological period, which still continues, left
                         also deep trace of the glacial period.
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