P. 145

Novopazarski zbornik, 46/2023, str. 127-146                         145

               Armin Gicic
               PhD Academic Studies
               Faculty of Philology
               Belgrade University

                                   THE ELECTRONIC AND
                             TRADITIONAL TOURIST GUIDES
                                        OF NOVI PAZAR

               Abstract: The contemporary flows of technology development influence onto a
               form, style and contents of tourist guides. The changes in tourist behavior are evi-
               dent, either. Such a context demands a critical observation of the contents being
               created for tourists in the contemporary age. Traditional and electronic tourist gu-
               ides i.e. traveling handbooks for Novi Pazar city are the aim of this research. The
               central part the paper is the collected bibliography of all tourist guides for Novi
               Pazar. The sources are divided into traditional and electronic ones, with the pri-
               mary data on the author, time context and their contents. Before the central part,
               the definition of tourist guides has been derived, out of whom the understanding
               of electronic guides is derived. For the adjustment of new flows of technology
               development, but also of changes of modern day tourist behavior, two definitions
               have been derived. The first one is general, and it allows including of electronic
               tourist guides, being the research subject in this paper. On the other hand, a spe-
               cialized definition is shown, including traditional tourist guides. The basic for
               setting these two definitions is a function of tourist guides. The analysis of the so-
               urces has shown for traditional handbooks to be in a small number of copies, but
               they are unavailable and there are no quality publications for almost thirty years.
               The results show a higher activity in publishing of tourist handbooks in the last
               ten years. There are the obvious large numbers of electronic tourist guides, where
               applications, tourist websites and vlogs are also classified, whose availability and
               popularity are considerably higher.

               Key words: Novi Pazar, tourist guides, traditional tourist guides, electronic tou-
               rist guides, tourist vlogs, tourist websites
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