Page 168 - Zbornik 40
P. 168

168                    Muradija Kahrović-Jerebičanin             40/2017

                     Muradija Kahrović Jerebičanin
                     Museum „Ras” Novi Pazar

                       The Last Craftsman, a Shoemaker - a Slipper Maker in Novi Pazar

                     Abstract:  Craftsmanship  was  very  developed  in  Novi  Pazar.  Especially,
               craftsmen whose crafts items were clothing ones, i.e. clothes and shoes were very
               successful. Within their crafts, where different shoes were manufactured, there were
               peasant shoe makers, clog makers, boot makers, slipper makers and others.
                     Women’s slippers were highly required shoes, used daily or for celebrations,
               where their quality was different one, thus the craftsmanship of shoemakers was
               successfully developed.  At the end of XX century, there were fewer conditions for
               the survival of this craftsmanship in Novi Pazar, and the last shoemaker -a slipper
               maker was Ismail Salkovic. At the beginning XXI century, this craftsmanship was

                     Key words:  craftsmanship,  a  slipper  maker,  a  woman,  clothes,  slippers,
               downtown, family, shop, town, a town’s part, culture, competition, survival, tool,
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