Page 103 - Zbornik 40
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40/2017     АРХИЕПИСКОП САВА I – ДВОСТРУКИ ПРИЈАТЕЉ...              103

                     Živojin R. Andrejić
                     Mythology Centre Studies of Serbia
                     Rača - Kragujevac

                      The Archbishop of Sava I- A Double Friend of the Byzantine Emperor
                                     of the Tsar Theodor I Laskaris

                     Abstract: Based on the Life of St. Sava of Domentian and Teodosije, with
               reconsidering  historical sources and siblinings’ relations, state-political relations
               are also reconsidered of the Archbishop of Sava the dynasty of Nemanjics with
               the Byzantine, Austrian, Epir and Hungarian rulers of: Aleksey III Angel, Andria II
               Arpad, Theodor I Laskaris, Theodor I Angel, Jovan Duke Vatac and Jovan II Asen.
               Based on it, there is a finding within the paper that Teodosije exposed a valid fact
               on his double siblings’ relations of the Nemanjics and Laskaris based on the second
               concluded marriage of the Serbian King of Radoslav. With a diplomatic action, the
               Archbishop Sava was a mediator to marry his nephew Radoslav for the second time
               with the daughter of the Byzantine Tsar Theodor I Laskaris, from purely political

                     Key words: Dometian, Teodosije, Life, a double friend, Tsar Aleksey III
               Angel, Tsar Theodor I Laskaris, King Radoslav, Tsar Theodor I Angel, Tsar Jovan II
               Asen, Archbishop and Patriarch Sava
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