P. 94

94                      S. Bandžović, Novopazarski jevreji: tragovi u historiji i vremenu

                     Safet Bandzovic
                     History Institute of Sarajevo University

                                    THE JEWS OF NOVI PAZAR:
                               THE TRACES IN HISTORY AND TIME

                     Summary: History is a multi-meaning process of returning to people and
               events from the previous periods. It is defined as “the science on people in time”.
               What is conditionally named “local” history out of the great narratives, confirms
               various experiences, directs onto a multi-dimensional past, its characteristics and
               specifics in a certain space. The settlements are built of buildings, but people make
               cities, either. A small Jewish Sephardic community in Novi Pazar, having in mind
               its huge economic significance, according to some statements, existed even since
               XVI century. The Jews arrived to the past day Ottoman economic center mostly
               from Thessaloniki and Sarajevo.  They mostly did trade and artisanal jobs, giving
               their contribution to the economic and social development of the town, surviving
               its different crises and temptations during the next centuries, until World War II. In
               Novi Pazar, before the war of 1941, 61 of Jewish families lived, with 247 of their
               members. In March, 1942, this community, most of its parts, experienced the same
               destiny like numerous Jews in Serbia, under the German occupation. After arre-
               sting and taking people to concentration camps to the Belgrade fair ground, it was
               almost completely destroyed. After the war, some of the very few survived Jews of
               Novi Pazar, went to Israel, or they moved to Belgrade. Since 1972, in Novi Pazar,
               there are no Jews people. Their history is a consistent part of the history of this
               town, where they lived for several centuries.

                     Key words: Novi Pazar, development, multi-culturalism, Jews, wars, Serbia,
               holocaust, culture of remembrance.
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