P. 13

Novopazarski zbornik, 45/2022, str. 9-15                             13

               Fuad Baćićanin

                         A LONG STORY AND A SHORT HISTORY

                     Seventy years ago, on 27th June1952, City Museum was established
               in Novi Pazar. A half century ago, at the time, Hometown Museum in Novi
               Pazar, defined its publishing work, the first one in the town of Novi Pazar,
               it even published its first book. The Museum published numerous valuable
               works since then from Archeology, History, Art, Literature, Oriental Art,
               works of old manuscript Museum Collection and other scientific and expert
               publications. A half century ago, the same Museum, started with its exhi-
               bition activities and organized numerous exhibitions from all areas of the
               Museum work. A half a century ago, it started with Archeology researches
               in its own organization. Forty-five years ago, the Museum also published its
               first issue of the journal Novi Pazar Collection of Works, the only scientific
               journal back then, and today, the only journal being published continuously
               from its first issue in the territory of the city of Novi Pazar and a broader re-
               gion. Five years ago, it was renamed into “RAS” Museum of Novi Pazar, it
               formed its Museum library, the first special library in the territory of Serbia,
               out of the city of Belgrade, being joined to the unique library system.
                     The Museum started a serious work in the last years in digitaliza-
               tion of its material, numerous manuscript documents are translated from
               the Arabic language, Persian, Church Slovenic, Ottoman language, but also
               the texts in the Bosnian and Serbian languages, written in the modified Ar-
               abic language-Arabica. The journal of Novi Pazar Collection of Works is
               also digitalized, being researched per several parameters, and its use in the
               scientific use became available to a broader population.  Another Museum
               journal is also digitized Sopoćanska vidjenja (Views of Sopocani), being
               first issued in 1982, and the last issue was in 1990. For the first time after its
               establishment, the revision of the Museum exponents was performed and it
               was determined what is being exposed in the permanent conservation of the
               Museum. By making the Museum mobile application, the Museum activi-
               ties and all its digitalized material is reproached closer to the youth. There
               are numerous archeological excavations, in front of the building of the Dis-
               trict Court, in the north tower of the Novi Pazar Fortress, in the location of
               Dublje and numerous other locations, and for the first time, the Museum
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