P. 13
Novopazarski zbornik, 44/2021, str. 11-14 13
Fuad Baćićanin
A man adopts oneself to all life conditions by the time. Whether to
accept them or not, to be satisfied with them or to fight against the ones with
all his body, to despise them with only the one’s heart and soul, but to live in
them and speaks nothing, it is up to the one’s character and relation towards
people and appearances. However, to stay upright under the stars is a spiri-
tual victory to be carried only by the persistent and strong ones. Persistence
and continuity in publishing of our journal Novi Pazar Collection Works
since 1977 until the present 2021 adorns our Museum, editors and all associ-
ates of this very significant and the only scientific journal to have been pub-
lishing continuously for already 44 years. We have succeeded, thanks to our
hard-working old and new number of associates, and the means approved
by the Ministry of Culture and Information for two years, for the journal to
be published until the end of the current year, and its promotion to be the
crown of our work at the Museum. The Museum can praise for its significant
projects being realised in this year. Primarily, I would like to emphasise the
projects the Museum has not realised due to the lack of expert employees,
and for not have been done before. Here, I think onto translation and recita-
tion of the rich old and seldom manuscripts, documents and books written
in the Ottoman, Arabic, Church-Slavic, Hebrew and Persian languages. We
have digitalised this material and made a mobile application to make it ac-
cessible to both the youth and old ones, scientists and the curious ones. In-
troducing the youth with everything we have worked through our projects,
we have organised it through educational workshops at the Museum. We
have also introduced the unique various cultural richness of Novi Pazar area
through educational workshops in Novi Pazar and Belgrade, within the proj-
ect The Crossroads of Heritage. We have organised the research work in the
field, recorded rich non-material cultural heritage, introduced the youth with
valuable customs that disappeared a long time ago or are in a disappearing
phase, organised exhibitions of paintings and art works, organised lectures,
workshops and exhibitions on Mevlid, as a cultural element of the Bosniaks.
We have participated and been awarded with the first award at the Museum