Page 63 - Zbornik 40
P. 63

40/2017                SREZ ŠTAVIČKI (1912-1914)                     63

                     Hivzo Gološ
                     Historical Archive „Ras” Novi Pazar

                                     The County of Stavicki  (1912-1914)

                     Abstract:  The  paper  “The  County  of  Stavicki  (1912-1914)”  discusses  a
               political administrative-territory division of the County of Stavicki in the period
               (1912-1914). The findings are given on the origin of the name Tutin, formation of
               the County and population’s list in 1913. In this County, for the first time, authority
               bodies were formed, which worked pursuant to the valid legislation of the Kingdom
               of Serbia, which brought a number of new laws, regulations, orders, solutions and
               directions related to newly united areas after Balkan War I.
                     After formation of the County, municipalities were formed, County’s Courts
               for each municipality and Tax Department of the County of Stavicki.
                     Within the County of Stavicki, in the Ottoman period, 9 Mektabs worked.
               The  most  famous  Mektabs  were  in  Dobri  Dub,  Draga,  Djerekare,Grac,  Konic,
               Melaje, Raduhovci, Skrijelj (Morani) and Tutin. Besides these Mektabs, there were
               three secular primary schools and they also worked: Primary School in Suvi Do,
               Public National School in Ribarice later named after  “Rastko Nemanjić” and Public
               National School in Tutin, later named after “The King Alexander I”.

                     Key words: Balkan War I, County of Stavicki, municipality, village, small
               village, County’s Court, Primary School, Tutin, Tax Department
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