Page 262 - Zbornik 40
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262 Fuad Baćićanin 40/2017
Fuad Baćićanin
Museum „Ras” Novi Pazar
Forty Years of Novi Pazar Collection
Authors and Published Papers
The first issue of Novi Pazar Collection issued by the Hometown Musem
in Novi Pazar was released in 1977. The papers were published in it from the
“Symposium on Ras and Monuments of the Raska Valley” in the month of October
in 1976, held in Novi Pazar. Also, the second issue of Novi Pazar Collection
represented a collection of published papers at XV Assembly of Ethnology
Associations of Yugoslavia, held at the end of September, in 1977. Since then until
present days, Novi Pazar Collection is published continuously. On two occasions,
there were problems, but “the pace was regained”, and we can say, although there
was a threat for the Collection not to be published, there were issues no.39 and 40,
and the regular 41 Novi Pazar Collection was published in 2018. For the content,
its quality and cover of Novi Pazar Collection are contributed its editors, members
of editorial staff and its associates so far. All of them put a lot of effort for Novi
Pazar Collection to keep its contituation and actuality, but also for its scientific
value to go its upward path. A large number of associates is present within these
40 issues. These are scientific and expert persons, researchers and professionals,
known for their education and scientific expert characteristics. This very primary
bibliography, where 264 associates are mentioned, we dedicate to all who gave
their contribution for Novi Pazar Collection to live and in the following period to
gather the most eminent experts of different scientific disciplines, from Archeology
to History, Ethnology, Art History, Literature History, Geology, Architecture and
similar ones. This is also an invitation to all scientific and expert scholars who
research the area of Novi Pazar and its surrounding areas, to enter the family of
Novi Pazar Collection and with their papers contribute to preserving historical,
cultural and other values of our area.